Edit Template Data Entry Campaign

Created by Antonio Ortiz, Modified on Fri, 11 Sep, 2020 at 8:29 AM by Jason Carreiro


Can I edit the template for a Data Entry Campaign?


Yes.  Follow the steps below to make the edits:

  1. Choose template
  2. Click on the pencil icon to Edit
  3. Under Settings, you can make the following edits:
  • Name: not visible to end users
  • From Name and Email Address:  This lets you customize the email address used to send the campaign.  In addition, this section provides the ability to spoof the recipient's email address. The Use recipient's own email address radio dial must be selected for that to happen.
  • Note: If you select this option, the phish will most likely be blocked by your mail filters.  Please contact your mail administrator for assistance.
  • Reply to Email Address:  specify an internal email address to capture customer replies
  • Email Subject: use the following substitution strings to customize the subject:
    • %EMAIL%
    • %TIME%
    • %DATE%
    • %COMPANY%
    • %LASTNAME%
  • Landing Domain:  used to set the sub-domain
  • URL:  sets any extra information in the path after URL - subdirectories
  1. Under Message, you can make the following edits:
    • Body of Email: make edits in the WYSIWYG editor to make template more challenging or more obvious to spot. Most used editing tools:
      • Source: used to edit email in HTML
      • Maximize Edit Window: useful when working on lengthy emails
      • Phishing links:  add link in template
      • Time, Date, and Shorter Date: displayed relative to your selected time zone 
      • Image icon: upload and re-size images in email body
    • Clone site: see Cloning Website Data Entry Campaign
    • Options: Email input populated with user's email address
      • Checking this option allows you to let the system simulate the use of a password manager in your Data Entry campaign by pre-populating the email address of the targeted user in the Username portion of the selected Landing Page
    • Landing Page:  the new cloned website will show in the landing page editor
  2. Select Send Test Email to verify that all information is correct.
  3. If everything looks ok, click Save

**Note** Not all of the email templates show the option to check and add the users email address. You can edit the source code to add the check box to show this option Populate Email Address on Landing Page.