Anonymize Results

Created by Abderrahim Ibnou el kadi, Modified on Fri, 11 Sep, 2020 at 8:29 AM by Jason Carreiro


How do I anonymize my user data in my Phishing campaign?


During a Phishing Campaign creation, you can optionally choose to anonymize the user data. 

  1. Click the checkbox next to User Data Options - Anonymize User Data in Results.
  2. Select Create Campaign
  3. You will receive a popup notifying you that you will not be able to obtain individual user data due to anonymizing
  4. Click Create Campaign again to finish campaign creation process.
  5. Note

    Electing to anonymize the data:

    • Affects Phishing high level reports
    • Is on a campaign by campaign basis
    • Anonymizes First Name, Last Name and Email Address
    • Does not obfuscate data at the database level (currently not available at this time)