Log Messages Actions Explained

Created by Jason Carreiro, Modified on Wed, 10 Jun, 2020 at 5:36 PM by Jason Carreiro

Log Messages Actions Explained

With in the Log Search section of ProofPoint Essentials a number of different actions can be taken for certain emails. These actions can vary from hiding log entries to report spam. Below is list and a simple explanation for each option.

Release from quarantine:  this will allow an admin or end user the ability to release emails that was accidentally caught as spam.

Release and approve:  This will allow an admin or end user the ability to release emails that were accidentally caught as spam and add them the the trusted list for that domain.

Resend: This will allow an admin or end user the ability to resend an email if the email is stuck in queue or the back end mail server is unresponsive.

Classify as spam:  This option is used when a specific email had pass through the system undetected and indicating that any future email from this sender is the be blocked.

Classify as clean: This option is used when a specific email was blocked and indicating that any future emails from this sender is to be allowed.

Report as false positive: This option is used by admins or end users to report any legitimate emails that were blocked to our honeypots so that our spam engines are updated.

Report as false negative:  This option is used by admins or end uses to report any spam email that were delivered to our honeypots so our spam engines are updated.

Hide email from logs: This option is used when admins or end users just do not want to see these particular spam emails or legitamite emails in the log search anymore. Mind you that using this option is not reversible unless you contact Vircom support to have the request put in to have it available again.