STEP 5: Enable Outbound Relay

Created by Abderrahim Ibnou el kadi, Modified on Wed, 29 Jan at 11:06 AM by Abderrahim Ibnou el kadi

IMPORTANT:  When Enabling Outbound Relay for a domain, expect a waiting time of a minimum of 1 hour (or a max of 2 hours)  before enabling Office 365 Outbound RULE 

Here are the steps to follow :

1-  Log into the ProofPoint Essentials website US or EU. 

2- Click on Account Management then Features. 

3-Check the option Enable Outbound Relaying and click save. 

4- Still under the Account Management menu click on Domains. 

5-Click the button Manage Hosted Services. 

6- Toggle the option Office 365 from off to on and click Save. 

7- See Ithe important note at the begining of this Page.