Disable Digest Report for Functional Accounts

Created by Abderrahim Ibnou el kadi, Modified on Mon, 13 Jan, 2020 at 3:35 PM by Jason Carreiro

Disabling report for functional accounts is a bit complicated than it is for regular users’ accounts. First, we will need to disable it for ALL users and functional accounts completely, then re-enable it only for the regular users.

To do so we need to follow the steps below:

    1. Under Account managements click on Digests

    2. Chose ‘NO’ next to “Receive Quarantine Digests”

    3. Check the option “Update Quarantine Digest settings for all existing user accounts”

    4. Click SAVE

    5. Click  “User Management”

    6. Select ALL users 

    7. Click  “Mass Update Users” from the drop down menu


    8. Few options will appear in the mass update window then make sure you set to ‘YES’ the Receive Reports, check “apply         changes to all user accounts”, and click on “Update Users”


    9. Once the above STEPS are done, go back to the “Company settings” click on “Digests”

    10. Chose “Yes” next to “Receive Quarantine Digests”

    11. Check the option “Update Quarantine Digest settings for all existing user accounts”



    12. Click SAVE button