Vircom Portal Release Notes 2023

Created by Nadav Shenker, Modified on Wed, 20 Dec, 2023 at 11:15 AM by Yves Lacombe

December 19th 2023 (v1.50)

A new version of Vircom portal has been released!

New feature:

Partners can now easily see which customers do not have all features enabled according to their package on the Customers page.  They can also activate/deactivate features right from that page by clicking on a customer row and using the Activate/Deactivate button.

December 12th 2023 (v1.49)

A new version of Vircom portal has been released!

New features:

 A Domains view has been added under the report section to show customers domains, whether they’re active and have relay configured.

An Email Authentication report has been added to show the SPF/DKIM/DMARC status of customers domains, as well as any detected configuration issues.

Partners can now set unbillable flag on one organization admin account for each of their downstream customers organizations.

A new Inactive Features alert has been added to let know customers of unused features according to their licensed package.

Bug fixes:

Fixed bug where partners were not able to add their own domain to their customers safe list via the global safe sender list.

December 11th 2023 (Special)

A new version of ConnectWise Integration has been released!

[ Vircom provides an integration with ConnectWise via the Vircom Portal ]

The new URL is:

The old URL ( still works, it gets automatically redirected to the new one.

New features:

-    New branding (ConnectWise PSA), as well as Proofpoint Essentials package name instead of modusCloud.

-    Admins will now get email alert for synchronization failures.

November 13th 2023 (v1.47)

A new version of Vircom portal has been released!

New features:

-    Send mail flow results to more than one recipient.

-    Block sender from the Reported Messages page.

-    Autoclean safe senders automatically.  This setting is available in the Settings section, under Organization.


-    The settings section has been moved under the User profile icon on the top right.

-    The support and logoff button has been moved under the User profile icon on the top right.

October 2nd 2023 (v1.46)

A new version of Vircom portal has been released!


-    Reported message remediation button has been re-enabled.

-    A new priority email field allow user to set a different email address for Priority alerts.

August 31st 2023 (v1.45)

A new version of Vircom portal has been released!


-    Azure sync alert: Get alerted about issue with Azure User sync synchronization, such as missing permissions, expiring secret, etc..

-    Azure Active Directory page now includes an Issue column and a Fix button to quickly resolve configuration issues.

-    App registration creation/fix checks for “Plus” package and the needed extra permission.

-    Reported messages: The Delete function has been temporarily removed.

-    Internal DMARC/SPF change report.

-    Updated Vircom’s IPs in “Connectors and Rules”

-    A few bug fixes related to RBL IPs Range and parsing of DMARC rua/ruf size limit.

June 7th 2023 (v1.40)

A new version of Vircom portal has been released! 

This version highlight is a new OnDMARC section, with a provisioning tool that allows Proofpoint customers to easily bulk provision their org, or their customers orgs on RedSift OnDMARC.

It takes care of populating relay domains, administrators users and even preconfigure Dynamic SPF from the existing SPF record!

June 13th 2023 (v1.39)

A new version of Vircom portal has been released!

This release fixes the issue where the creation of connectors/rules were not working on new Microsoft tenant created after April 1st.    For some tenants it also stopped working after June 1st.

March 15th 2023 (v1.30)

A new version of Vircom portal has been released!

New Features:

- Create O365 Connectors and Rules action now uses Microsoft Authentication.
- Create O365 Azure AD app registration action now uses Microsoft Authentication.


- When you create either Connectors and Rules or Azure Application Registration using Vircom Portal, the authentication of global admin will be done via Microsoft.

Login experience is similar to authenticating into Office 365 or other Microsoft applications.

MFA-enabled admins are now supported for these functionalities.