Global Sender Lists

Created by Nadav Shenker, Modified on Sun, 29 Jan, 2023 at 11:40 PM by Nadav Shenker

This feature is only visible to partners (channel partners and strategic partners)

If you expect to see this feature but don't, please open a support ticket.

What are Global Sender Lists?

Global Sender Lists are a set of trusted senders and blocked senders managed by a partner.

  • These are automatically synced to all of their customers, across all stacks (if relevant).

  • These trusted sender lists will be applied to newly created customers automatically (based on a periodic daily sync).


How are Global Sender Lists accessed?

These are managed in Vircom Portal under Tools \ Sender Lists \ Global Sender Lists

What does it mean if the feature is greyed out?

Since this feature is applied globally, to use it you must have admin access to all of your partner accounts..

In order to use this feature your user account must:

1. Exist on all stacks that your partner account exists
2. Be at least a "channel admin" on each of those stacks
3. Have the same local password on each stack

If you do not have access to all accounts, or have a different password, this feature will be greyed out.

A list of stacks where your account needs to be added or updated will be included. 


Question: What happens to any sender list entries that a customer already has on their account?

Answer: The existing entries are left unchanged. Any Global Sender List entries are appended to their sender list.

Question: Can customers continue to manage their own sender lists?

Answer: Yes. Customers can still add their own entries to either their trusted or blocked sender lists. Any Global Sender List entries are simply added to their own.

Question: What happens if a customer deletes an entry from their sender list that is on a Global Sender List?

Answer: Any Global Sender List entries removed will be re-added at the next period daily sync.

Question: Do newly created customers inherit Global Sender Lists?

Answer: Yes. 

Question: What happens if an entry is deleted from the Global Sender List?

Answer: Deleted entries are removed from all current customers, and no longer synced to current or new customers.

Question: What kind entries are allowed?

Answer: Email addresses, domains, IP addresses, or CIDR IP Ranges are allowed.